Friday, February 25, 2022

People For Portland

My community organizational roots ran deep in Colorado Springs and my passion for affecting positive change has taken root in Portland as well. The city we chose to call home nearly six years ago has suffered a drastic decline. My sons are forced to step over needles and trash at their baseball fields in SE Portland, my daughter had to hurdle human feces while running the Broadway bridge last week, my car was broken into last week and my running shoes stolen off my porch, and now an RV is now camping adjacent to our middle school playground. These are a few of the reasons why I've chosen to become involved with People for Portland (P4P), a collective voice for everyone who loves Portland but is frustrated by what it's been allowed to become. Through grassroots efforts P4P is creating greater urgency and demanding bolder action from our elected leaders to solve the biggest problems facing our city: ending unsheltered homelessness, safe streets and neighborhoods, accountability and justice for everyone, and cleanliness, pride, and economic vitality in the city we love. 

So far, P4P has delivered over 300,000 email messages to 36 local elected officials. (It's easy to click this 'keep up the momentum' link to send an actionable letter to elected officials.) They also hosted a public safety Town Hall with more than 5,000 participants that got the mayor to commit to putting body cams on police and hiring 300 more officers! This week 6,000 supporters attended a Town Hall addressing the humanitarian crisis on our streets. 

I hope you are as interested as I am in holding our elected officials accountable with our taxpayer dollars. 

If you are still reading, thank you!!  Here's how you can become involved